ENZO CUCCHI Valuations - Want to sell a ENZO CUCCHI piece? Request a complimentary and confidential valuation!Fidesarte - Casa d'aste will review your submission and offer a free-of-charge estimate, if your item is suitable for our auctions.
signature, date and personal dedication inside edition ill. pp. 30, those in the middle folded cm. 64.5x79 with overlapping sheets of tracing paper [..]
Salvatore and Elisa: etching ex. IV/XX cm. 17.5x12.5 (plate) - 21X14.5 (sheet) signature and edition at the bottom, title and dedication ad personam at the top [..]
untitled 1985, etching bon a tirer cm. 9x19.5 (plate) - 20x29 (sheet) signature date and edition at the bottom Profilo 2007, etching ex. A.P. 35.5x24.5 (plate) [..]