Claudia Gian Ferrari collection, Milan
Farsetti Art Gallery Prato - stamp on the back
private collection
"My painter friends - Romano Bilenchi and contemporary art" Museum of San Pietro, Colle di Val d'Elsa November 1999 - January 2000 with relative publication in the catalog on page. 43 - label on the back
"100 Works by Filippo De Pisis", writings by Giuseppe Marchiori and Sandro Zanotto, Prato, Galleria Falsetti, May - June 1973 pl. XLIX
Giuliano Briganti, "De Pisis - the years of Paris 1925/1939", exhibition catalogue, Verona, Galleria dello Scudo, Edizioni Mazzotta, Milan 1987 pag. 158
Giuliano Briganti, "De Pisis - the years of Paris 1925/1939", catalog of the exhibition, Bari, Castello Svevo , Mazzotta Editions, Milan 1988 p. 158
Giuliano Briganti, "De Pisis" General catalogue, first volume, works 1908 - 1938, with the collaboration of D. De Angelis, ed. Electa, Milan 1991 p. 277 no. 1931 56